Chapter 34: Lesson

“The Praesi take on negotiations is to slam a severed head on the table and smile at your interlocutor until they reconsider their position.”
-Prokopia Lakene, first Hierarch of the League of Free Cities

Heiress was daintily picking at eggs and sausage, cutting off small slices with a knife. How she’d even arranged for a meal to be served in the guildhall was beyond me, since I’d given standing instructions for any of my officers to tell her to fuck off if she asked for anything. Either she’d bullied a Callowan to get it done – in which case I was going to break her fingers – or she’d brought servants on a military campaign. The second seemed most likely: my life would be a lot easier if she were someone stupid enough to push me when my teacher was in the city. Speaking of the man, Black would be joining us soon enough. For now he was still busy overseeing Warlock’s work in clearing my legionaries. Until then, though, I refused to sit at the same table as the wretch in front of me. Just being in the same room had me itching to run her through, an urge it was getting harder to keep under control with every passing moment.

“You’re quiet this morning,” the Soninke aristocrat mused. “Couldn’t get a good night’s sleep?”

My fingers tightened until the knuckles turned white but I refused to fall for a provocation that obvious.

“One of these days,” I replied softly, “I am going to find something precious to you and I am going to break it.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt you’ll try,” she replied with a friendly smile that never reached her eyes.

Absurdly enough, it looked like Akua had brought several suits of armour with her. The polished silver-enamelled breastplate in the Miezan style she wore wasn’t one I’d seen before, and neither was the quilted colourful aketon she had underneath. It reminded me of the eye-catching robes and dresses I’d seen nobles wear when I’d first gone to the Tower. Was that how Praesi armies had looked like, before the Reforms? Like a flock of tropical birds girded in steel, as beautiful as they were poisonous? It was hard to imagine after a lifetime of seeing the Legions if Terror decked in the sober, practical gear they now used.

I sometimes forgot that, for all the misery its lower classes often lived in, the Dread Empire was one of the richest nations on Calernia. The Hungering Sands were full of precious metals and the Wasteland was pregnant with gemstones, both of those too close to the surface to have been claimed by the dwarves. The Free Cities had famously grown rich as the middle-man between Praes and nations that wouldn’t be caught dead trading directly with the Tower. And yet Wasteland aristocrats were still wealthier than anyone else on the surface, save perhaps Proceran princes – and even then those without silver in their principalities would have to rely heavily on trade to bridge the gap. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Black’s arrival, which was probably for the best. Another round of verbal sparring with Akua wouldn’t get me anything but the need to grind my teeth.

Black had ditched his cloak at some point, leaving him in the plain suit of plate he always wore. I could count the number of times I’d seen my teacher out of it on my fingers, but having since learned the breadth of enemies he truly had I couldn’t fault him for the precaution. It wasn’t paranoia if the people out to get you had a shelf full of devil-summoning books. Even being out on the field hadn’t managed to get his pale skin to tan, a trait I’d come to suspect was Name related, but even then he still looked… healthy. There was a vitality to him that had been missing when I’d first stumbled into him in Laure, or perhaps just been hidden under layers of amused indolence. It made for an unsettling sight.

“Catherine,” he greeted me.

“Black,” I replied, rolling my eyes at the formality of it.

“Lord Black,” Heiress said, making to rise, “It’s a pleasure to-“

Pale green eyes flicked to Akua.

“Ram it into your hand,” he Spoke.

My rival’s hand slowly rose, shaking as she tried to fight it, and she nailed her other one to the table with the same knife she’d been using to break her fast. Heiress didn’t cry out, though her lips thinned. Unlike my leg, mage healing would fix that wound. That said, it would have been a lie to say I didn’t derive a great deal of satisfaction from what was unfolding in front of me.

“I suspect you were insufficiently disciplined as a child,” Black noted. “For the rest of this conversation, you will speak only when addressed to.”

“My lord, this is-” she began.


She ground the knife into her own hand, and this time let out a small hiss of pain.

“Do you understand me, Heiress?” Black asked patiently.

She nodded.

“Good,” he smiled affably. “Now thank me, for the valuable lesson you were just taught.”

There was a heartbeat of silence.

“Thank you, lord,” she replied through gritted teeth.

The dark-haired man claimed the seat at the head of the table and gestured for me to take the one to his right. None of this was quite as viscerally satisfying as if I’d been the one to knife her myself, but for now I’d take it. Our accounts were still far from settled.

“I’ll begin with the obvious, even though I have a feeling I won’t get my way,” I started. “She let out a fucking demon in the middle of a military campaign. Honestly I feel like just letting one of those things loose at all should be enough to be buried in a shallow grave so I’d like her head on a pike, pretty please.”

I resisted the urge to bat my eyelashes for effect. Black raised an eyebrow, then turned to Heiress.

“Rebuttal?” he prompted.

“I take no responsibility for this,” she replied, face gone pale with the pain and bleeding. “The wards holding the demon were overrun by foreigners. Given Squire’s pointless pursuit of the Silver Spears after her victory, it seems obvious who is at fault.”

Not a single word of that was an actual lie, I was certain.  Not that anyone in the room was fooled. The only question was whether or not her connections to the Truebloods would be enough to get her off with a slap on the wrist regardless of guilt. I had a nasty feeling they would be.

“No solid proof of your interference has been provided,” Black told Heiress. “Because of that, Her Most Dreadful Majesty has declined to give me permission to execute you.”

If she’d ever been worried it had not shown on her face, and neither did relief now. The dark-skinned aristocrat inclined her head, murmuring a platitude about Malicia’s wisdom and foresight.

“That said, I would like you to keep something in mind,” the green-eyed man continued.

He leaned forward.

“Your behaviour during this campaign has been a hindrance to Imperial interests in Callow, Akua Sahelian. Should it ever become a threat, I will send your mutilated corpse back to your mother piece by piece.”

He did not raise his voice, or change his tone in any way. He might as well have been discussing what he’d have for dinner. He’d snatch the life out of her just as casually, I knew, and though he’d not used his terror trick I felt a shiver of fear go up my spine. The way Black was looking at her but he wasn’t seeing a person: all his eyes saw were a possible liability, and he’d been leaving corpses of those behind him for decades. Akua’s face remained blank but I could feel the terror beneath the mask, the realization that she’d come very close to crossing what may very well be the most dangerous man in the Empire. At the end of the day our Names were both transitional ones, the stepping stone to something greater. The monsters out there in the world were at the top of the pyramid for a very good reason: they’d killed all their competition. Ambition did not equate power, as my life seemed ever intent on reminding me. We still had years ahead of us before we’d be a match for any of the Calamities.

“You’ve been very careful to toe the line of the law,” Black said. “It seems you believe this affords you a degree of protection.”

His eyes turned cold.

I am a villain, child,” he hissed. “The appearance of the rule of law is useful to me, so I have allowed it. Do not mistake this for true fettering. Should you ever inconvenience me again, I will Speak three words and you will slit your own throat.”

The intensity vanished out of him as swiftly as it had appeared, replaced by a pleasant smile.

“In happier news, you and your mercenaries have been attached to the Fifteenth as auxiliaries for the next part of this campaign,” he informed her. “Congratulations, you’ve been granted the equivalent of a commander’s commission.”

“Thank you, lord,” Heiress murmured.

Black drummed his fingers against the table and there was a long moment of silence.

“Well?” he asked. “What are you still doing here?”

Lack of understanding flickered across the aristocrat’s face, immediately blanked out.

“A mere commander is not cleared for this kind of meeting,” Black explained patiently. “You are dismissed.”

I swallowed a snort. Oh, now that was just precious. That was probably the worst insult he’d given her today, given how self-important the other villain was. Akua rose to her feet after getting the knife out of her hand, blood dripping all over the table. There was the smallest flare of magic and the bleeding stemmed. With a stiff bow, my rival made to leave.

“One last thing, Heiress,” Black said, not bothering to turn to look at her. “You’ve made a mess all over Catherine’s table. I expect you to be back with a rag and bucket to clean it up within the hour.”

I’d been wrong, evidently. That was definitely the harshest humiliation he’d doled out in quite some time, and I took a moment to savour it as I watched Heiress close the door behind her. I leaned back in my seat, allowing myself a small break before the conversation resumed. I found Black’s eyes had drifted to my bad leg, the faintest trace of a frown on his face.

“Masego said it can’t be fixed,” I said.

“Inaccurate,” he replied. “If we amputate the leg entirely  you can be grafted a fully functional replacement.”

“But?” I prompted.

If it were that simple, he wouldn’t be frowning.

“Limb grafts made by magic can be unmade by the same,” he replied. “It would be a liability against any sorcerous Named.”

“Pass, then,” I grunted.

Just because the Bumbling Conjurer was dead didn’t meant I’d never have to deal with a Named mage in the future. Mundane casters could probably manage the same kind of spellwork too, if in sufficient numbers. I cleared my throat.

“I do appreciate you turning the screws on Heiress a bit,” I said, “but this is… unusual, for you. You don’t usually intervene in these kinds of confrontations.”

“None of it was meant for your benefit,” he replied easily. “I was attempting to frighten her enough that she’d let out the demon.”

I blinked. “That… does not strike me as a good idea.”

“Wekesa began to set a binding array around this building the moment she entered,” Black patiently explained. “If I’d witnessed her bringing forth a demon responsible for the death of Legion personnel, I would have had valid reason to execute her.”

I frowned. “Can’t Warlock just find the standard she’s using?”

“He has not been able to,” Black admitted.

My brows rose. “She can’t possibly be that good of a mage,” I said.

“It wouldn’t be her own spellwork,” my teacher noted. “Wolof has been the centre of sorcerous learning in Praes since the days before the Miezan occupation. No other city has ever produced as many Warlocks. Odds are she’s using a dimensional bubble one of them created a century ago that has long been forgotten by everyone else.”

Well, fuck. How many other surprises like this would Akua have up her sleeve? Hells, before last night I hadn’t even known she was a mage. I realized the frown had yet to leave my teacher’s face, which I didn’t like the looks of.

“You look like you want to say something,” I hazarded.

“If I believed in corporal punishment, you’d be cradling your cheek right now,” he spoke flatly.

I flinched.

“You’re angry.”

“Furious,” he agreed calmly. “You did a damned foolish thing, Catherine. Fighting a demon inside your Name, when you’ve yet to even fully grow into it? Recklessness is only an asset if you understand when to use it properly.”

“I was in a desperate position,” I defended myself.

“You put yourself in a desperate position,” he corrected. “The Fifteenth did not have to engage the enemy, you made that choice.”

“And what was the alternative?” I barked. “Run away and leave tens of thousands to die? I refuse to believe that was a better way.”

“And that’s why Heiress just beat you,” Black replied, eyes shadowed. “As long as you allow people a lever that obvious to dictate your behaviour, they will.”

“She set it up so she’d get something she wanted whatever choice I made,” I replied tiredly.

On a battlefield, I was pretty sure I’d beat Heiress nine times out of ten. She didn’t go for battles, though. Most of the damage she’d done me was while she was out of sight, working through proxies and spies. Black sighed.

“I’m not telling you to stop taking these kinds of stands, Catherine,” he said. “But if you want to continue doing this, you need to turn the Fifteenth into the kind of force that can crush your opponents underfoot. Not next year, not when the war is over, now. If you cannot cut through her manipulations, you need to make them irrelevant.”

“I don’t have the men for that, right now,” I admitted.

“I scraped together all the recruits in Callowan camps before you fought your battle at Marchford,” he replied. “Within three weeks you’ll have another two thousand legionaries camped across the western branch of the Hwaerte.”

“Green recruits,” I pointed out.

“You have a core of veterans now,” Black murmured. “Men who’ve been through battles the equal of any waged during the Conquest. Officers who’ve held the line against devils and some of the finest cavalry on the continent. The legionaries who fought against the Kingdom are getting old: you might very well have the sharpest fighting force in the Empire under your command, at the moment.”

That… was a very good point, actually. The Conquest had been over twenty years ago: most goblins who’d been alive back then were dead and the older human and orc soldiers from that war were either retired or permanently behind desks.

“I don’t mean to dismiss your accomplishments, Catherine,” my teacher said softly. “You’ve made mistakes, but you’ve also won repeated victories against horrendous odds. What you did for Marchford, the story you’ve created with your actions, is something that will ripple across Callow in the years to come. You’ve taken the first step forward in the path you set for yourself. That is something to be proud of.”

For a moment I allowed myself to bask in the praise of a man I’d come to admire, for all that I despised some of the things he’d done. Only for a moment, though.

“I get why you’re angry,” I admitted. “I lost an aspect. That’s not something that you can just walk off.”

Black snorted. “A minor loss, that. The risk you took in the attempt is the infuriating part.”

I blinked. “I permanently damaged my Name, Black,” I spoke carefully. “Crippled the amount of power I can use by at least a third until I come into another Name.”

The dark-haired man rested his chin on his palm, looking amused.

“You’ve seen me used my shadow before, yes?”

I nodded.

“That is the most useful fighting trick I get out of my Name. My predecessor as the Black Knight, on the other hand, could bring down a tower with a flick of his wrist. And yet on the first Fields of Streges he was killed by a footsoldier. Not a hero, not a knight or a wizard. A young woman rammed a sword in his eye, and no amount of power could allow him to shrug that off,” he told me. “He died after tearing through a hundred soldiers, because he was tired and surrounded and he’d chosen his ground poorly.”

He smiled darkly.

“Villains like Heiress think of power as something they can rain down on their enemies, but that’s a false perception. She could set an entire field aflame and still die from an arrow in the throat. And unlike you, she will get in that situation. You make mistakes because of who you are, Catherine, not because of what your Name drives you to do. You can learn. You can adjust.”

His fingers tapped against the wood, the rhythm that of an old Callowan funerary march.

“So pick your ground,” Black spoke quietly, inexorably. “Surround her. Tire her out. And then let her do the rest.”

59 thoughts on “Chapter 34: Lesson

    • I agree. Black is my go to example of a lawful evil character.
      “I am a villain, child,” he hissed. “The appearance of the rule of law is useful to me, so I have allowed it. Do not mistake this for true fettering.”
      Such a great line

      Liked by 19 people

      • That line implies the direct opposite of what you think – he is NOT lawful. Neutral at best, chaotic even still possible. He simply CHOOSES to follow the law (in appearances!) for the time being, just as he said. Being unfettered by law means by definition that you are NOT lawful. Because being lawful means you ARE fettered by it. Unless you assume he lied — which is something, the most extreme lawful ones will most likely also not do.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Not an exact match, but the Aberrant alignment from Palladium is close enough to Black position:

          “Evil Alignments
          Evil aligned characters: Aberrant and Diabolic, are not necessarily bent on universal genocide or dominating all other living creatures. Nor are all evil characters sadistic, cruel, ugly, or untrustworthy. Many, evil characters may actually seem kind or likable.

          Evil alignments are a step beyond the self-gratification of Selfish alignments. Evil characters are ruthless individuals who are willing to say or do anything to achieve their goals. Most commonly, evil characters have goals that either entail making people suffer or cause suffering as a side effect (a side effect they knowingly and willingly disregards). Human life has little meaning to them, and friends tend to be (but not always) people to use and discard when they are no longer of value. Evil-aligned characters do not automatically slay any good-aligned person because of different ethics and philosophies. All the better to sue good to achieve their goals, for the end always justifies the means.

          The cliché that there is no honour among thieves is false when dealing with the Aberrant character. This is an individual who is driven to attain their goals through force, power, and intimidation. Yet the Aberrant character stands apart from the norm with their own personal (and twisted) code of ethics. they expect loyalty from their minions, punishing disloyalty and treachery with a swift, merciful death or banishment. An Aberrant character will always keep their word of honour and uphold any bargains. They will define their terms and live by them, whether anyone else likes them or not.

          If an anti-hero, they will completely disregard the law and deal out justice as they deem fit. they will never be cruel or vindictive and will always be absolutely positive that the person is guilty before dealing out their brand of justice. However, once they have condemned someone, they will see to it that they are destroyed.

          Whether a villain or a corrupt or extreme anti-hero, the Aberrant character looks upon people without honour or a sense of loyalty as worthless and disgusting lowlifes.

          Do not think of the Aberrant character as a misguided good-guy. they will break all laws with impunity, harass victims, destroy property, assault, blackmail, torture and murder. Only their methods and degree of violence may vary.

          An Aberrant character will:-

          Always keep their word of honour (at least to those they deem worthy of it).
          Lie and cheat to those not worthy of their respect; good, selfish, or evil.
          May, or may not, kill an unarmed foe.
          Never kill an innocent, particularly a child, but may harm, harass or kidnap.
          Never torture for pleasure, but will use it to extract information and intimidate others.
          Never kills for pleasure, will always have a reason.
          May, or may not, help someone in need.
          Rarely attempt to work within the law.
          Break the law without hesitation.
          Have no use for the law or bureaucracy, but respects honour, self-discipline, and the ‘concept’ of laws and order.
          Work with others to gain their goals.
          Usually take ‘dirty money’, although their twisted code of ethics may prevent them from doing so in some instances.
          Never betray a friend. Never! “

          Liked by 1 person

        • Well, no, lawful just means you follow rules, that your actions have a guiding principle rather than impulse. He is lawful evil because he does whatever benefits himself and his kingdom most, regardless of the morality of the action, it just also happens that because he holds no moral qualms, he is perfectly capable of completely ignoring the “law” and doing something impulsive or chaotic if something is a supreme enough annoyance or threat.

          Heath ledger joker may have had an underlying motivation to his actions, and perhaps even a brilliant plan, but his behavior throughout the movie is still unhinged, chaotic, and after he gets the pile of money, he burns it. He didn’t do whatever was best for himself, he did whatever got him some vague goal, and was happy to cause chaos along the way, whereas black clearly desires law and order while also maintaining supremacy.

          A lawful good person would be hard pressed to ever break the laws that guide them, either the law of the land or their ultimate guiding morality, because lawful good follows the rules to do whatever serves the good, whatever good they hold dear. Sometimes that means making hard choices, but usually they are guided by underlying morality, even if they break a “law”.

          Phoenix joker is a good example of chaotic neutral, he doesn’t think of himself as bad, or even as good, or even as the joker, until the very end, he is sort of almost forced by his nature into a chaotic set of circumstances, but he also acts sometimes randomly, the outcome is not always connected to the inputs. He is as much a victim (unless the entire movie is a delusion told to us, the viewer, and harleen quinzel his therapist) as all those around him, because he is a product of the people’s revolutionary mood, spurred by his morally justifiable defence of a woman and then himself, but his going to far because of his chaotic nature. He accidentally starts a movement against the waynes, and then becomes it’s figurehead when he realizes he can actually affect change. In a way, if not for his chaotic personality traits and disorders, he could even be true neutral, not holding strong views in any direction, merely a victim to the winds of change around him.

          I think black knight is a very clear lawful evil, he does whatever gets him the best result and has no moral qualms, it just so happens that he considers order a good thing, so he follows it unless he has a better reason not to. Neutral evil would probably make a bigger deal about not caring about law and order, only results, and chaotic evil would care less about results altogether and more about the experience of evil itself, doing the most evil thing or achieving some evil goal. I’m not quite sure where squire lands, because she prefers using the law against itself, but clearly has no qualms with breaking laws she doesn’t like or can get away with, she clearly cares about others and actually believes in the best possible good for the people, but is willing to take evil actions to achieve that goal, so she may be a grey jedi, not neutral, like someone with no will of their own, but forceful neutral, possessing a goal, a will, and both good and bad moral traits.

          We shall see, or I guess you already know.

          Liked by 2 people

      • On the other hand, the nature of his Name, and as implied, his, is the cold machine with slowly turning cogs. One could argue that lawfulness, regardles of DnD aligments, is not so much is upholding of an actual legal laws, but rather the strict necessity to operate under a strict order of internal rules, like a machine or a computer, where every step, every resource, up to and including lives of whatever the person in question considers to be, err, persons. That is to say, that for lawful ones everything in creation is a tool to reach a certain goal, under a certain conditions. The difference between good and evil is in goals and conditions. In that regard, they prefer ends to the means, while chaotic ones prefer means to the ends, or to be more precise, for them means are the ends. There’s no complicated plan to anything.

        So in short what I failed to say, is that that particular sentence may meant, that she should not for a moment think, that being lawfull means he cares about laws other than his. All he cares, are risks and profits, like a bookkeeper, a quote from the first book btw, and not the actual rules he may seen upholding in that particular moment, because for him, those rules are naught but a tool, which can be thrown aside for any moment, presumably the best one and in general direction of enemy face.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. -“I am going to find precious to you and I am going to break it.”
    There’s a word missing here, before precious. “Something precious,” maybe?

    -The way Black was looking at her but he wasn’t seeing a person: all his eyes saw were a possible liability,
    There’s something wrong with this sentence. I think it goes wrong at the ‘but,’ but I’m not sure how you want to change it to flow better. Maybe, “The way Black was looking at her, he wasn’t seeing a person: all his eyes saw was a possible liability.”

    Grammar errors aside, it was viscerally satisfying reading Black smack down Heiress. I’m a bit disappointed that she’s not been killed out of hand – villain, illusion of rule of law – but I very much understand.

    With Catherine, however, Black seems…inconsistent. He says he’s furious, but he doesn’t seem it. He says he’s not one for corporal punishment right after he Spoke Heiress into mutilating herself. As cliche as it is, this seems like it would have been the appropriate time to bring out the, “I’m not angry, just disappointed,” line.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Black wasn’t actually punishing Heiress, he was trying to provoke her into freeing the demon, he said as much afterwards.

      A couple more typos:

      that good of a mage,”
      that good a mage,”

      seen me used my
      seen me use my


    • I’d say he’s angry, disappointed, and was worried for her. He’s not going to admit to anything but the first because they’re both in denial about how he’s basically adopted her. Tough as plate armor, card carrying vicious uber Villains do not fuss over the reckless teenaged daughters they DO NOT HAVE.

      Threatening to brutally murder enemies of the state that inconvenience his student is fine, though.


  2. He doesn’t *want* her to be able to use her Name! Having the Name be crippled is a good thing from his perspective, because it frees her from its influence and temptation, allowing her to break new paths and be free from the Name system.

    Black’s ambitions of revolution might go higher up than I thought (or remembered).

    Liked by 3 people

    • That’s a fair point. Not being under complete sway of her nami allows her more choice thus increasing the number of the possible names she could come into. It would be nice if her new name gave her some freedom and new transition possibilities (who ever said you can transition only once right?).

      I wonder how she will corner the Heiress by implementing Black’s advice.


      • I think it goes further than Name possibilities. Names are patterns, and while they strengthen the holder they also constrain them. Look at Masego, who needs to be exact all the time, that may help him cast more carefully, but it may also ruin his plans someday. Or look at Black, one of his aspects is Destroy. Right now, in the middle of the war, it strengthens him, makes him healthier. But in peace times, when he is trying to reconstruct an Empire, Destroy it is a liability.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Black’s Destroy aspect is a liability in “peacetime”? Not when he’s trying to Destroy all of the old Praesi villain nonsense. There is no such thing as “peace” for Black. There is only the next war, and the one after that, and the one after that, etc., which might ultimately lead to his desired destructive goal.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Names aren’t some outside force controlling a person. While they can influence a person, aspects reflect the Named as well as the Name. Catherine was already the type to struggle before she got it. Adjutant came into his Name just by sticking with Catherine and being himself.

        Liked by 1 person

      • There are interesting possibilities. For starter, Heiress mercenaries are now under the imperial banner and in the imperial controlled territory. So, no looting, no rape, and every time they go offline their commander is responsible. Heiress is the commander of the auxiliary force and whar are the chances that the mercenaries that until yesterday were free to loot an rape will immdeiately become disciplined?


    • I find truth in all that you say and why, but I think if Black knew which aspect she sacrificed his anger would be visible.

      That said. He is not the type who shows his feelings, anger included. ( see the gov. Mazus for that.
      Cat knows him well enough to notice that and tells him she is aware of it.

      In my estimation black is the guy who gets more polote the angrier he is. He smiles at you and offers condolences while your live goes to shit.

      Or he nails you to the wall. All polite.


      • I’m not so sure about that. “Seek” actually seems kind of redundant when compared to “Learn”. Learn can be twisted to do just the same. It does not matter if I Seek something or simply Learn about it because I seek for it in non-capital letters, after all…

        Other than that, Struggle is the thing that saves her ass in the end, so she certainly could not sacrifice that. And when it comes to Learn vs. Seek? Learn might actually be a lot more important, because it is probably much more versatile – it also lays the very groundwork for what she needs, whereas Seek basically helps if you already have an idea. Learn GIVES YOU ideas. Practice makes perfect… Relying only on a power to find the easiest way is bullshit. Powers can be countered. Better to learn to be prepared for anything… Scrap the Seek. It’s not as all-powerful as it might have seemed (remember: the demon instantly blocked it… and probably even NOT because of snatching it away first, but simply because it could, implying the SHE is “mine”, because it invaded her soul, not just the aspect (yeah, a bit over-confident there)).


        • NP

          We cannot be reading the same story. Learn only works when their is material or a tutor available. Allowing the user to be more efficient at LEARNing. Seek is basically a search engine in her mind. One that won’t give her false leads evidenced by it eliminating lines of though that wouldn’t work. Seek was an absolute hax with the only downside being limitations of the info it could access and that’s something of a speculation that only EE could confirm.


    • Though I think he might be disappointed if they ever learn what her 3rd aspect was. It’s effectively this worlds Path to Victory. I mean holy fuck that’s insanely OP. I suspect if she had had a little more time it’s the demon that would have been the one reeling from that encounter in her soul.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Again: Think about how the demon blocked it. Just like scrying first seems OP – but then, it can be blocked by some. Not quite as OP after you know that.

        Also, its an interpretation game, with the premise we have here: Cat is not supposed to know how this and that works, so that she can do the (assumedly!) impossible by recoining something simply by thinking of other uses. Learn can be thought of / applied in much the same way as Seek… (see above for rest of my argument)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Really missed blacks pseudo-motivational speaks, everything he says is too badass.

    Heiress now works for cath?, Not sure if its a death flag or a friendship one, it would be pretty interesting for heiress and cath to be like black and the empress.


  4. Really missed blacks pseudo-motivational speaks, everything he says is too badass.

    Heiress now works for cath?, Im not sure if its a death flag or a friendship one, it would be pretty interesting for heiress and cath to be like black and the empress.


      • Not as far as I can tell. I get the impression Black has feelings for her, but I’ve seen no evidence of her emotions being romantic back.


      • Black is in love with Ranger and Malicia still has a harem and that female spy master.
        I think Black and Malicia are very close friends, since they came into their Names together and fought their way to power by relying on each other but I don’t think there are any romantic feelings between them. Romance fades, friendship endures. I don’t think they would have lasted so long if their relationship was intimate. Someone at court would have tried to split them up.

        I think Assassin is male but also a master of disguise.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It was quite openly stated that Malicia and Black are NOT romantically involved, but really just friends. And that Black’s love interest is RANGER, who left him because “shite, you have to choose the Empire!? fuck this… come back when you changed your mind or this is over, I’m definitely not joining in THAT plot”.


      • (Although… well.. I didn’t get that impression out of nowhere, if I remember correctly. It was hinted at least hinted at, but rather more indirectly than the rest, I think.)


  5. While I like this story, I feel like the Heiress character just exists for us to hate her and is a cheap narrative device. There aren’t any other real antagonists so far so I understand why she must exist. I mean, sure, Black & Empress are supposedly our protagonist’s long term foes, and yes the Heroes & the rebellion represent that other threat — but so far neither of those groups present a threat which I find existentially meaningful or emotionally connected to. Maybe I just don’t find war stories all that meaningful. So maybe I’m just disappointed this is the person we must direct the story to. The demon threat was a little more interesting, at least.

    I’m really hoping you can use the following arc to really drive home Heiress as someone we should despise – by characterizing her as more than a spoiled noble with delusions of grandeur.

    What I’m hoping beyond that is that Heiress can be salvaged in the same way Ime seems to have been. It would be nice if Catherine could defy what is expected of her and make an ally of an enemy, or at least, extract some value from her besides petty revenge. Heiress is a disgusting person so far, so it would be interesting to see how she develops in the long term, instead of her being murdered for satisfaction. She could even be redeemed in an interestingly “Evil” way.

    I’m glad Catherine lost some of her power and is crippled, to be honest. I was done with the War Games stuff when they started. The sooner she has to solve her problems with guile, spirit, leadership, necromancy, or magic – the better. Not that there’s anything wrong with her being deft with a blade but combat for me in stories is rarely more than a cheap thrill that doesn’t endure.


    • This story has had very little actual depictions of combat itself. The war games ark focuses heavily on battle tactics and strategy, not swinging a sword really fast.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You mean the awesome appearence where amadeus and wekesa came through the fog and casually dispatched the fae was just Incredible convinient timing ?

        I admit I should have been more specific …


      • Of course, that also implies that your interpretation of convenient timing might be true, too. The Fate / “it’s a story” thing in the Guideverse might account for just such convenient timing, after all.

        Ultimately, though, I’d say it’s a storyteller device of it being open to interpretation, I guess, so everyone can find the thing that seems most logical or kewl or fitting to them… 😉


  6. As a final thought, as wise as Blacks suggestion was, this time it came to late ☺
    Cat thankfully changed her outlook for Akua allready. She accepted that there will be no truce, but a cold war all the time and her campaign started with robber. And now that Akuas Troops and Bootlickers are attached to the 15ths they are caught between the underdog trinity of Robber,Ratface and Hakram and Cats true power of inspiring loyalty in unlikely ways and places. To bad that we will never know all the shit that will go down between those two armies.


  7. So now all Catherine needs is to hear the Wandering Bard say something about being there when Heiress released the demon.



    Empress Malicia stood up from her throne and walked down the dias towards us. “Catherine,” she said, “It has come to Our attention that you attempted to kill Heiress by proxy, that you sent her into the thickest part of the fight, then purposefully withheld reinforcements and that thus large parts of Our legion were slaughtered for no purpose. As an Empire, We despise the waste of Our troops. Heiress, you shall be granted one favor from Us, and I hereby sentence you, Catherine, to…”

    “Booh! Booooh!”

    The Empress looked behind her. It wasn’t actual astonishment, but it was the closest I’d ever seen to it, and likely the closest anyone had ever seen the Empress come to astonishment. The Wandering Bard was perched sideways on the throne of the Empress, laying across its arms.

    “Boooooh!” The Wandering Bard called out. “Heiress releases a demon, then kills her own reinforcements and slaughters her own troops and ends up rewarded?! What sort of rubbish plot is this?”

    Black’s head snapped up at the mention of the demon and the strain and tiredness which had marked his face since my arrest seemed to melt off as his former placid expression returned. “Did you just say that Heiress released the demon?”

    “Yeah, of course.” The Wandering Bard said, as she singlehandedly battled the Empress’s bodyguard as the Empress looked on, bemused. “I was there, she released it. She’s a stupid villain — i said so then and I say so now…”

    “STOP!” Black’s voice rang out through the hall. “A known hero, a Bard, one who cannot tell outright falsehoods, just denounced Akua as the one who released the demon. Heiress, what say you to this charge?”

    Heiress’s face flushed white and her arms trembled as she stood there, the black ivory favor wreath in her hand. She glanced down at it then thrust it at the Empress. “Save me from him, please?”

    The Empress looked down at the wreath, took it in one hand, and one corner of her lip quirked up into a smile. “No.”

    In all the confusion that resulted, all the clamor, nobody noticed that the Wandering Bard had disappeared yet again. As had the Bodyguard.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. >“Limb grafts made by magic can be unmade by the same,” he replied. “It would be a liability against any sorcerous Named.”

    >“Pass, then,” I grunted.

    I guess that she’s not going for the Death Knight Name, then. A pity.


  9. idk, Black’s approach was too intimidating to provoke that response, I think. If he wanted her to summon, he should have insulted her, impugned her ability, something. She’s got a ton of pride. Plus, did she have the standard w/ her? it’s implied from prior bits that she’d need it*…and having it would be an utter admission of having summoned it b4. I like a lot of this, but the details don’t seem to line up neatly…but, then, I’ve had a lot of wine so maybe that’s the problem! 🙂 As much as I like our plucky heroine, lots and lots of folks are telling her to get an effing clue and she’s just plain stuck in her simple reactive “hit it” mode. She’s nearly bordering on willful stupidity, which is never fun. Perhaps it’s simply a setup for payoff when she grows, but it’s getting to the pt where I kinda want to slap her..and that’s never good for a protag.
    *both her and cat (and M’s) actions/comments in the scenes w/ it


    • Would it be selfish to wish for a Villain Transition chapter ? “Clean”
      Which features Akuas internal dialog while she follows Blacks Orders to clean up the table.


    • Not your wine. They really do not fall into place quite as neatly as at other times. So either Black is more fallible than everyone would think/like him to be, after all…. or the author had a bad day in that respect 😉


      • Still… most people, me included, will be more than willing to wave this one and let it fall under the table, mesmerized by what is going on and being secretly in love with (the) Black (character type) *lol

        This was nowhere near as illogical as e.g. the thing about Masego potentially being corrupted and then having him check out the legionaries AND trusting his judgement enough to kill off the people HE (the potentially corrupted) designated, with THAT still hanging on the proverbial scales … 😉


    • Yeah. I still think HIS story would be so much FUN, we really wouldn’t care, even if he won the whole time, which can be thought of as inherently “lame” for a story… I really want a “story of Black”. Even if it’s just a short one. More backflashes at least!!!


  10. Damnit, Cat! You had a perfect opportunity to just run Heiress through before Black walked in!

    Sure, it’s illegal, but this is a combat zone, and no one would really be able to prove how it happened. Just slaughter a squad of her mercs, claim they got corrupted by the demon, and that you only found out because they killed Heiress. Start thinking like a villain!

    On a different topic, I didn’t know that Speaking could be used to make someone harm themselves. Cat should totally practice on Heiress. Or just order her to impale her heart, and then shove that arming sword through Akua’s neck while she struggles against the order.


    • When I think about it, this is a real inconsistency, the Speak thing. At times it seems very powerful, such as this chapter with Black using it to make someone harm themselves or Catherine using it during interrogation to make someone speak the truth. Just using the latter, she should be able to make Heiress fess up to her plans or something. Well, not that she wouldn’t defend herself but still, it seems like an overpowered attribute that is only used when it fits the narrative, not all the time, as would be logical.


      • It’s an ability that rely on willpower. A Named can order about ordinary people and a high tier Named can use his power to overwhelm a transitional Named like Heiress but Kat is in the same tier as Akua. Kat did manage to order failed dread emperor heads when she visited the Tower which is very impressive. It probably meant she’s a better candidate for Dread Empress than they were. She also silenced the Wandering Bard in Summerholm which has implications.


        • Honestly I would have thought Bard would have been especially resistant to having Speech used on her. Definitely seems to be an inordinately effective single target ability. Maybe it’s normally super difficult/ uncommon to learn in the first place and Learn + ignorance of limits was needed for Cat to access it so soon. If not then I agree on the inconsistencies.


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