Chapter 38: Juncture

“Hahahahaha. Ha. You can’t beat me now, this is the first part of my plan!”
– Dread Emperor Irritant I, the Oddly Successful

Some days I wondered how I’d ended up where I was. In a technical sense it had all started when I’d come across Black in that alley, or perhaps the moment where I’d decided I would be joining the Legions.

“What I mean, though, is how did I end up here,” I mused. “As in, asking a report from a blood-dripping goblin in the middle of the night while I lead some kind of shady war council.”

Robber, if anything, was tickled by my sudden comment. Masego was utterly indifferent to everything going on, as was his wont, and Hakram looked like the epithet of ‘shady’ offended him but he couldn’t find an argument to refute me.

“Bad life choices,” the goblin tribune offered. “Or the best. Maybe a little bit of both.”

“Don’t mind me,” I grunted. “It just suddenly hit home that I’m leading a Legion of Terror while wearing a black cape and plotting nefarious things in the dark.”

“You’re not currently wearing a cape,” Masego pointed out, about as helpful as tits on a sparrow.

“Apprentice,” I replied patiently, “I own like five capes. All of them black. I get we have a theme here, but would it kill anyone to get me some clothes that a vampire wouldn’t wear? I mean, Heiress is Evil and she wears actual colours. And does her hair nice! I bet she even has her nails filed by some half-naked oiled up manservant.”

I didn’t even have manservants. My closest equivalents were an orc with a gossip addiction and a goblin who owned a jar full of eyeballs. The House of Light had always told me Evil was decadent, where were all my creature comforts? My sheets weren’t even silk. The only opulence around was the way I never seemed to run out of wine and that was purely Ratface’s doing.

“The ponytail looks good,” Hakram said loyally.

“Hakram, I love you like a brother, but the day I take grooming advice from you is the day I jump into the Tyrian Sea,” I replied.

I poured myself a glass of Vale summer wine, ignoring the look from Hakram indicating he wouldn’t mind one. The crate Ratface had somehow gotten his hands on before we left Ater was mostly empty now and I wasn’t wasting my favourite drink on someone who’d guzzle it down like water. I sighed and got comfortable in my wooden camp chair.

“Well, I suppose I’ll have to ask at some point. Whose blood is this, Robber?”

“It could be mine,” he grinned.

“Goblins bleed black,” I grunted. “Try again.”

“Not always true,” Apprentice said. “Dread Emperor Sorcerous exsanguinated a Matron and filled in human-“

He trailed off when everyone stared at him then cleared his throat.

“Perhaps not the best time,” he conceded. “Still, it’s not an absolute.”

I let him retreat with a modicum of dignity while he still could and pushed down the morbid curiosity that almost made me ask why Sorcerous had done that. He’d been the one to make the sentient tiger army, if I recalled correctly. The one that had defected the moment it got out of the Tower and was the reason tigers in the Wastelands were still so intelligent. They still found half-chewed corpses by the road every year, a testament to the way the ‘cleverness’ of Tyrants could continue to backfire for centuries after their death.

“Robber,” I prompted.

“So some of the boys and I went to have a look in Heiress’ camp,” he said. “Might have slit a few throats on the way in.”

“I’d gathered as much,” I replied. “So why does that lead you to waking me up in the middle of the night?”

“They changed up their patrol schedules after the last time we left them a few corpses,” the yellow-eyed tribune grinned. “They haven’t figured out Kilian’s scrying them to lay out the timing.”

“They will soon,” Hakram grunted. “And Heiress has the mages to block us when she picks up on it.”

“If she uses standard wards, I can teach your paramour to slip past them,” Masego noted. I let the word pass by without a comment, since it was more or less accurate. “Though given who Akua’s father is, I would not bet on it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Some other Praesi noble? I thought you could run circles around any of those.”

“Nioro of Aksum. Most talented practitioner to come out of that part of the Wasteland in at least half a century,” Apprentice said. “Father says he was good enough to have a claim on the Name of Warlock after the old one died, though he never pressed it.”

I’d never heard the name before, which was somewhat intriguing. I’d have to ask Aisha about it at some point, since none of the men in this tent followed Praesi politics in the least.

“Anyhow,” Robber said. “We planned around their schedules and routes so we could get deeper in the camp than we’ve ever been. Found out two interesting tidbits I thought you should know about now instead of the morning.”

“Amaze me,” I said.

“First, she’s got a goblin in there,” the tribune said.

Huh. I hadn’t seen that coming, I’d give Robber that much. Heiress wasn’t as consistently racist as some of the other Praesi nobility I’d come across, but she did have certain leanings. Though I’d never heard her lay on greenskins, now that I thought about it. Was she in league with one of the goblin tribes? That could get messy as all Hells.

“Recognized them?” Hakram asked.

“So just because I’m a goblin I know all the others, is that it?” Robber asked, his face the very picture of outrage.

“You’ve claimed as much repeatedly,” Adjutant replied amusedly.

The goblin tribune shrugged, the pretense of affront discarded in a heartbeat.

“Couldn’t get a good look,” he said. “Was going to, but a scroll sheath fell over and woke them up. Nasty customer, whoever they are. Pretty sure they had burn wounds, and not the small discrete kind.”

“I don’t suppose there’s a famous goblin with that as their signature?” I sighed.

“Wouldn’t know,” Robber said. “Didn’t get out much before I joined the College. Pickler might know something I don’t – she was much higher up the food chain in her own tribe.”

Another question for the pile, though I doubted it would be as easy as that.

“And the other thing?” Hakram asked.

“They’re making some kind of ritual array,” Robber said.

Apprentice’s back straightened in his seat, the reason my tribune had asked for him to be there finally clear.

“Not on the ground,” Masego immediately guessed. “The runes – on wood, stone or metal?”

“Twenty five metal pegs with small square stones between them,” the goblin informed us. “The stone’s granite, if that makes a difference.”

Robber’s tribe was one of the mining ones deep in the Grey Eyries, I remembered. Apparently he still remembered some of what he’d learned there.

“It does,” Apprentice muttered. “Ocean-dredged granite like the one found off Thalassina has properties linking it to the classical elements of earth and water. It’s used as a stabilizer.”

One of these days I was going to have to find out exactly what those ‘classical elements’ actually were.

“Got a look at the metal pegs,” Robber continued. “Wrought iron, all of it.”

“To attract, collect and retain power,” Masego frowned. “Whatever the ritual is, the scale will be massive.”

“Oh, I don’t like the sounds of that,” I cursed. “Robber did you get a look at the runes?”

“On the pegs,” he replied. “There was one that was everywhere, it was…”

He paused. Yellow eyes blinked in confusion.

“I can’t actually remember,” he admitted.

Masego let out a small noise of understanding.

“I’m going to trace symbols in the air,” he said. “Tell me when one looks familiar.”

The dark-skinned mage traced a finger in the air, hard light hovering behind his touch. A dozen runes were made before Robber stopped him.

“That,” he said. “I’m almost sure.”

Masego traced another one, two squiggly lines with a small dot between them.

“Are you sure it wasn’t this one?”

I peered at both, honestly incapable of seeing a difference between the two even if I kept staring at them.

“Could go either way,” Robber grunted.

Apprentice dismissed all the shapes with a casual wave of the hand.

“Why couldn’t he remember?” I asked.

“Those are High Arcana,” he explained. “No one without the Gift can hold them in their mind longer than they’re looking at them. Catherine, I cannot stress enough how dangerous this is. I’ve studied sorcery since I could walk and I’m not sure I could make an array using those. Someone on Heiress’ side is a mage of the very highest caliber.”

“Wolof is apparently full of stuff like this,” I pointed out. “She could just have inherited the ritual.”

Masego shook his head. “That’s not how High Arcana works. You can’t make a… recipe, using them. How the runes react to every practitioner varies wildly, even if the underlying principles are the same. The mage who made that ritual understands exactly what they’re doing.”

Last time I’d dismissed a warning from Apprentice I’d turned myself into a demon-touched cripple. I was not about to make the same mistake twice.

“So that just shot up to the top of my priority list,” I grunted.

“You recognized some of the runes,” Hakram said suddenly. “Can you guess the purpose of the ritual?”

“Retrieval,” Masego murmured. “That rune means retrieval. I can think of one entity she’s got contained.”

Well, fuck. That had just gone from bad to worse. I’d had my mage lines and Apprentice working on something to keep the demon inside the standard, but it didn’t look like Heiress was going to be using the same trick as last time. Had she anticipated I’d take countermeasures? She had a way of being one step ahead of me. Not this time, though.

“That ritual, can you shut it down?” I asked.

The bespectacled man smiled. “Breaking something is much easier than making it. I’m not without skills with High Arcana myself.”

“Whatever you need,” I said, “and I do mean whatever, you’ll get it. Hakram, I’m using my authority as the Squire to put all our resources at Apprentice’s disposal.”

There was a heartbeat after the words left my mouth where I wondered. Whether this was real or just a specter Masego had dredged up to get his hands on something. I grit my teeth and put the thought aside. Kilian would keep an eye on him, as much as she could. I couldn’t afford to leave a weapon like this in Heiress’ hands and do nothing, not even if my answer might be compromised. I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

“Robber, good work. You might have saved our lives tonight. Now get washed up before you stink up my camp,” I ordered. “The rest of you, dismissed.”

I’d need to grab whatever sleep I could before our march resumed. At least my bed was warm and full of Kilian. Apprentice lingered a moment after the others left. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“A gift,” he said, fishing out something from his tunic.

It was a long pipe of carved bone with an almost comically small mouth carved like a lion’s head. I blinked in surprise.

“I don’t smoke bangue,” I told him. “Or poppy leaves.”

Bangue was more or less unknown in Callow, save for very wealthy merchants. The dreamy trance it induced was said to be highly pleasant, and without the nausea abusing drink would bring. Poppy was better known, but so were its addictive properties. Anyhow, I’d been too strapped for gold back in Laure to ever consider trying something as expensive.

He snorted. “I didn’t expect you to,” he replied. “Save for wine you are remarkably free of vices. I did notice you disliked the brew I made you for the pain, though. As it happens those herbs can also be smoked.”

I closed my fingers around the offered pipe. Couldn’t feel any magic coming from it, but with a mage as skilled as Masego that meant nothing. Was he laying a trap as I had? I searched his face and found nothing but earnestness. Apprentice was not practiced enough a liar or intriguer to pull this kind of play, I decided. Although demon corruption might make his personality moot, if it had sunk deep enough. If it had, though, there’d be signs.

“Thank you,” I said, and got a sunny smile in response.

I was definitely having that looked at by a mage.

Dawn found me sitting by a campfire, alone. I’d already eaten a bowl the stew that was the Fifteenth’s morning meal and set it aside. Taking the pipe Masego had given me I took a piece of tinder from the flames and lit it up, breathing deep and letting the herbs do their work. I coughed out the first few times, but eventually got the hand of it. Kilian was on duty at the moment, but before she’d left I’d had her take a look at the gift. It was, apparently, dragonbone. That precluded enchantment of any kind: the bones and scales of dragons could not be touched by sorcery. It was why putting them down so often ended up the responsibility of heroes. Part of me wanted to chide myself for paranoia, but I could not. I’m paranoid, but am I paranoid enough? The lifespan of villains had not theoretical limit to it, yet they died about as old as their heroic counterparts. I noted eventually that the effect wasn’t as solid as when the herbs were drunk, so I lit up a second time. The medicine was common enough I was in no danger of running out, and as long as I kept myself below a certain dosage ingested per day there was no danger of side effects. Aisha arrived just as I spewed out a stream of white smoke. She eyed me strangely then shook her head. I raised an eyebrow.

“My mother does the same,” she said. “Joint pains.”

I snorted. “Sit down, Aisha,” I ordered.

She folded her legs and plopped down at my side, somehow managing to make the gesture fluid and graceful.

“We haven’t talked much, you and I,” I said.

“There has been no reason to, Lady Squire,” she said cautiously.

“Drop that,” I said. “I’m an orphan of no consequence, Aisha. Titles always sound mocking to me.”

“With all due respect, Lady Squire,” the lovely aristocrat replied, “you were an orphan of no consequence. Now you are, arguably, third in rank under the Empress and the Calamities. I understand you’re trying to foster a certain attitude in your closest collaborators, but I would shame my family if I referred to you so casually.”

“Gods, it’s like dealing with Juniper all over again,” I complained.

The Staff Tribune smiled. “It took me years to get her this trained up. The Red Moons are from the Northern Steppes, but her father is from the Lesser ones. That breed has a certain disregard for etiquette, even for orcs.”

The Lesser Steppes were the part of the steppes north of the Empire that were on the western side of the Wasaliti’s headwaters. Imperial writ had always run thin there, and so had Miezan authority before it. It was said they kept to more of the old ways there than anywhere else on Calernia. None of that had been mentioned in my history lectures at the orphanage, but orcs from there broke regulations so much more often than the others I’d gotten a primer on the subject from Hakram. I inhaled from the pipe, spitting out a mouthful of smoke as the pain in my leg finished ebbing away.

“I don’t know you very well,” I said. “I brought you into the Fifteenth at Juniper’s request, and you’ve served admirably ever since.”

A flicker of something passed through the Taghreb beauty’s eyes.

“But I am the only aristocrat on the general staff, and there is a leak in the Fifteenth,” she said.

Her tone was entirely calm, but for all that I could see she was angry from the way she held herself. A year ago I wouldn’t have noticed, but a side-effect of learning to read people on the battlefield had been picking up on their reactions off of it. It must have been galling to believe your birth was being held against you, especially after a lifetime of it being held in your favour.

“That’s not the issue,” I said. “You’ve already been vetted by Black, which ends the matter as far as I’m concerned.”

She paled at the mention of my teacher. My highborn officers usually did – his long-standing dislike of the nobility was well documented and several mass graves in the Empire served as standing reminders of it.

“I know what most of my people want,” I said, unashamed at the claim I was laying on my officers. “Pickler, Ratface, Nauk. Juniper, even. You though? You’re like Hune in that regard. I never quite got a handle on what you’re after.”

Aisha remained silent for a long moment, warming her hands by the fire.

“You’ve done this before,” she decided. “Not with Juniper, I’d have heard of it, but with Hakram. There’s a reason you trust him most of us. With Hasan too, most likely, not that you’d have to dig deep to find how much he despises the nobility.”

I’d always found her insistence on calling Ratface by his actual name a little strange, though since they’d been involved she likely had her reasons. I remained silent.

“You have a use for me,” she mused. “And so you must know what I want.”

She laughed lightly.

“Have it your way, then. I am fourth in line, Lady Squire, for a lordship sworn to Kahtan. A glorious phrasing for an inglorious reality: my family’s holdings are a tower by an oasis and a village of less than two hundred people. The rest is leagues of dunes and rock. There are freeholds in the Green Stretch with more people living on them.”

She turned her eyes on me, serious for all her smiling.

“My blood goes back to before the Miezan waged the War of Chains on us, Lady Catherine. The Bishara tribe was mighty once, the first to twine its ruling line with djinn. Twice we sacked Aksum and stole the wealth of its kingdom. Now? Now we die slowly in the desert, as all Taghreb do.”

Aisha spat in the fire, the gesture so uncouth I blinked in surprise.

“I could have stayed home, served as steward for my oldest sister when she succeeded Father, but the thought was horrid to me. You are Callowan, Lady Catherine. I do not mean this as denigration: you simply have not been raised to see Creation as my people do. Sooner or later, the sands swallow everything. So I left before they got me too, and sought my fortune at the War College – that ancient dumping ground for noble children.”

Aisha looked into the flames and smiled sadly.

“What I found there, I cannot put easily into words. Friends, yes. Something like a sister and more. But most of all, I found that my people had been left behind.”

She met my eyes.

“Oh, they study our battles and praise our victories – but we are a relic of the past. I look at Praes, and see that all I’ve ever loved is dying the slow death. I believe in tradition, Lady Catherine. I believe that my ways still have a place in this Empire, and I will not let the Taghreb become faceless soldiers in an Imperial horde. If I must temper the wisdom of my ancestors with the steel of the world your master has made, so be it. We will survive. We will adapt. We are not done yet.”

Teacher, not master. The distinction became more important with every passing day. I looked at her, this lovely slip of a girl I would have thought delicate if not for the callouses on her hands, and felt a thousand years of history looking back. Ancient Kahtan had been among the greatest cities in Calernia when Callow was a mere maze of petty kingdoms, I remembered. The Taghreb had been a force to be reckoned with, once upon a time. A people who prized freedom above all, fiercely independent. I called them Praesi but there was a lie in that, a denial of history. When it came down to it her people were just as old as mine, and I could feel the same fear behind her face that sometimes kept me up at night. Are my people done? Was all that made Callow, Callow to be discarded in the quest for survival? Honesty for honesty, that was the trade I’d made with Hakram. I would offer Aisha Bishara no less on this misty morning.

“I will rule Callow,” I said. “Some day. Because I can, because I have to. Not as the old kingdom, but as a part of the Empire – and to do it, I’ll need help. Someone who can guide me when I’m dealing with the Tower and the nobles.”

I offered an arm, the way Lieutenant Abase had taught me.

“Trade you,” I offered, the tone light compared to the promise I was making.

She clasped my arm in the warrior’s way. We both leaned away afterwards, too young for the gravity of the words we’d said. Most of the herbs in my pipe had burned during our conversation, but I pulled at the last of them and breathed out the smoke.

“So tell me,” I said. “Who do I need on my side, to establish a ruling council over Callow?”

33 thoughts on “Chapter 38: Juncture

    • sadly that is what i am thinking. Things are just going to well for squire at the moment. Exspecially since she still does not know who is the spy in her unit, i expect thing to go badly fairly soon.

      One thing i am not getting completely in this chapter is what cat meant by “trade you”. Would anyone be so kind to explain it? My understanding is that Cat is trading Power for help with the political sides of things.

      Liked by 5 people

      • I thought it was obvious that the spy was Kilian, which I hope it isn’t because I’m reading this late enough that some people might claim that I’m spoiling. I mean, really. Kilian is an over-trusted mage that sends money to her family. Just because Kilian’s family’s financial situation hasn’t improved dramatically doesn’t mean they are one scry away from being assassinated.


        • For the umpteenth time, NO ONE IN RAT COMPANY IS THE SPY!!!

          mostly replying for future readers, but one of the first villain interludes had Akua/Heiress herself NARRATE that she wasn’t able to get ANY of Rat Company to be a spy. That is equivalent to ErraticErrata flat telling us who cannot be spies.

          That means, Killian, Robber, Ratface, Hakram, Nauk, and Pickler CANNOT be spies, NO MATTER WHAT.

          I can’t remember off the top of my head if Hune was Rat company and I don’t want to go back and check because if not she’s practically the only one left and I like the uncertainty.

          Juniper was vetted by Black and has a vested interest in the Fifteenth and Catherine succeeding. I also think Heiress might have narrated that she couldn’t sway her either.

          Aisha was vetted by Black, (this is NOT a guarantee like the narration was, but it’s pretty close) and just now got a vested interest in Cat succeeding.

          If there’s someone from the General Staff I can’t remember then they or Hune are the remaining most likely culprits for the spy. (If Hune was Rat Company than see above)

          Sorry for the rant 4 years later. I just got fed up with the Wild Mass Guessing in the comments trying to say it was someone from Rat Company for the last 15 chapters.


      • But didn’t Bard say “One defeat for Heiress, on the shores of the Blessed Isle.”?
        It’s been awhile since I’ve reread, could someone remind me which chapters the defeat at the Blessed Isle was? Was that the one where Heiress ambushed her and ran away?

        Liked by 3 people

        • OK, it’s seven years old by now, but the confusion here frustrates me.

          Cat versus Heiress currently stands at:

          One win for Cat at the Blessed isle.

          One Draw, declared by Heiress after she bound the demon back in Marchford. Cat heard that and didn’t protest, meaning that by the “rules” she’s considered to agree to this. The fact that at the time she didn’t understand the “rules” by which Patterns work changes nothing.

          So the next step for this pattern is going to be a Win for Heiress.

          There are ways to manipulate a Paterno of three. Heiress did so by declaring a draw in a situation where she wasn’t really risking anything. If Cat or someone else had caught on and contested the draw she could have backed off and tried another approach.

          Cat can do something similar by offering Heiress a win she can’t refuse, but doesn’t give her more than Cat is prepared to let her have, and hopefully isn’t what Heiress wanted.

          The situation with William is simular. She won their first bash and let him live. They both survived the second bash with losses that made it a draw. So she owes him a win. But he is harder to manipulate as all he wants is to see her dead. Well her and every villain there is, but he certainly feels a need to kill her. So he won’t easily be tricked into accepting any other outcome.

          Patterns and Stories are powerful things, but can be manipulated by those genre sawy enough to recognize them. That book of children’s tales Black compiled is going to be very useful as it not only teaches Cat about the mentality Evil has fostered but also about important Stories and Patterns. That way she can recognize them when they occur.


      • Technically there can be good gods below, just no Good gods. All in all I think we knows very little about the gods, above or below. I think the only name we know currently is Gobbler, a (the?) god of the goblins. And if we didn’t even know that yet, we’ll then I guess I dropped a spoiler. Sorry if that’s the case.

        Either way we know Gobbler is evil, but we don’t know if it’s any good at it…


  1. >I get we have a theme here, but would it kill anyone to get me some clothes that a vampire wouldn’t wear?

    She should really change her look if she wants to not end up like any other villain.


  2. Hehe, I hadn’t realized just how classically villainous her wardrobe has been becoming.

    but eventually got the hand of it

    lifespan of villains had not theoretical limit to it,

    There’s a reason you trust him most of us.
    Maybe “more than most of us”

    Was all that made Callow, Callow to be discarded in the quest for survival?
    This comma is awkward, making this sentence hard to understand. I’d either remove it, or change add one after the second Callow as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d already eaten a bowl the stew that was the Fifteenth’s morning meal and set it aside
      change “bowl the stew” to “bowl of stew”

      The lifespan of villains had not theoretical limit to it
      change not to no

      None of that had been mentioned in my history lectures at the orphanage, but orcs from there broke regulations so much more often than the others I’d gotten a primer on the subject from Hakram.
      remove the comma, add a “that” after others

      Was all that made Callow, Callow to be
      remove the comma, change the second Callow to Callowan — I realize what you were trying to say, but it’ll parse better this way


  3. Typo:

    had not theoretical limit
    had no…


    “burn wounds” Yeah right, how about death wounds? Half information in this case might be worse than none.

    This was more a set-up chapter. I am looking forward to the more active ones.


  4. So.. considering Heiress –

    Predict that the array is to ‘Retrieve’ The name of Squire from Catherine and return it to undead monstrosity goblin.

    With the threat of releasing the Demon if the ritual is disrupted


  5. I think that rule of three is only as powerful as the Named in question make it.
    Heiress spurs on the other candidates for Squire against Cat
    –> win Heiress
    Heiress runs from her on the Blessed Isle
    –> win Cat
    Heiress causes the melee to be held (Cat can win nothing but command over the 15th, which she already had in her pocket before having to prove herself this way.)
    –> win Heiress for making her do it or a draw because Cat managed to do it
    Heiress sets demon free, cat defeats and still has enough troops to fight heiress, but does not manage to banish it or make heiress pay for doing it
    –> drawor loss for Cat?
    What now? New rule of three or does one of these not count and if so wich one? Does the entire thing depend how the Named in question interpret it or are there rules Cat does not know because Black did not tell her on purpose and if so will she be able to ignore them because she does not know? After all she managed to Speak mere months after claiming her Name.

    Mental/Name battle with demon, loss of her third aspect and all feeling in the left side of her face
    –> demon wins
    Cat kills all his devils and has Apprentice burn demon pretty badly but fails to banish/kill it and Apprentice MIGHT be infected.
    –> draw
    She should get a win in their next encounter, but does the rule of three count for beeings outside of creation?

    Adjudant lost one arm to thief in Marchford, does he get a rule of three with her?

    By the way, for those wondering, while Cat does not know who the traitor is, it is clear for us.
    “That one of Foundling’s senior officers had become a spy before they were even appointed to the rank had been a source of great amusement to her over the last few months. It was unfortunate that she’d been unable to find leverage on the officers of the former Rat Company, as they seemed to be Squire’s most trusted. Ratface’s familial situation had seemed promising but the boy had flatly told her intermediary that if the subject was ever broached again blades would come out. Legate Juniper’s open distaste for what she called “human squabbling” made her a lost cause in this regard, and had she not been the daughter of a general Akua would already have her had assassinated.”
    That only leafes leaves Hune or Aisha, and I very much doubt that it is Aisha.
    Chapter 18: Tinder: “In most histories of the Uncivil Wars, the Battle of Three Hills is but a footnote – especially given its proximity to the much more contentious Battle of Marchford. But for us, back then? Marchford might have been the crucible that forged us, but Three Hills lit the furnace.”
    -Extract from the personal memoirs of Lady Aisha Bishara

    Liked by 3 people

    • As I understand it the Wandering Bard mean the pattern started at the Blesed Island where Cat and Akua for the first time had a physical altercation. Cat won when Akua fled.

      The second confrontation was in March Ford when Akua claimed victory at first but declared a draw when challenged.

      That would leave a third confrontation coming up, and it has Heiress inked in as the victor.

      So who will have first go at her, Akua eller William?


      • Whoops! That got posted before I was finished…

        First of all that Las sentence should read as follows:

        So who will have first go at her, Akua or William?

        Both are scheduled to win, but their win condition may differ. William is only looking to kill her, so his win condition is: Kill the Villain Catherine Foundling.

        Akua isn’t necessarily as simple. It could be that she need Cat to do something. Just killing her seems to simple.


  6. Ah, finally caught up!

    I must say I’ve enjoyed this story quite a lot to the point of impacting my sleeping schedule once or twice. Something about your writing really appeals to my tastes, I suppose! I did grow up reading a lot of grittier fantasies about armies and politicking like Malazan or The Black Company, so I suppose there was also something nostalgic in reading these chapters – I can’t say I’d expected the story to be this heavy on the military side of things 5 – 10 chapters in, but I’m not complaining in the least.

    While I could praise most parts of your story, from the world-building to the battle-scenes, I’ll stick to the characters I think. I find the antagonists to be sadly the weakest – Heiress’s role is a bit too comically exaggerated to my tastes, not in her evil but in the sheer effort the story goes to in making her every action not just a hindrance to Catherine but as grievous an insult as is possible, and I just find the Lone Swordsman utterly dull and unappealing so I’ll have to hope my fellow readers are wrong about him getting redeemed rather than killed. But I’ve truly enjoyed all the other major characters, both the ones experiencing plenty of screen-time as well as the ones waiting in the wings like our Procer contingent.

    The Calamities are all interesting in their own ways, Catherine’s band of misfits are generally a joy to read about, and of course Cat herself is a very appealing and fun protagonist, even if the latest chapters have given her a bit too wonky success to set-back ratio for my tastes. The Bard also deserves special mention, and I was quite enamored with Malicia in her scenes, so I suppose they did their job well! Somehow I doubt the story will ever truly unpack what she’s about entirely, but I’ll take what I can get there. The more recent introductions like Apprentice and Archer have also added a lot to the story, and speaking of Names, I’m looking forward to seeing what others might be attracted to our lady Squire, or even if more will grow directly from her inner circle like Hakram did. Unlikely, perhaps, but it would be very amusing to see what kind of Name someone like Robber might pick up.

    Sadly, my talent for paranoia having made me immediately suspect any and all character in said circle once the prospect of a leak was confirmed, which was quite the harrowing prospect. Frankly, after the most recent interlude and this heart-to-heart knocked Aisha down a few pegs on my list of suspects – though hardly removed her entirely – I gotta put Killian at the top right now. Which sucks because I really really like her character, both her fling with Cat and on her own (would love to know more about her Fae ties and her family). The main reason NOT to suspect her would be the statement that Heiress apparently couldn’t find an in with any of Rat Company, and I definitely cling to it! And it’s not like I’d be surprised if she wasn’t the one, in the end. Would be too busy feeling happy about that. But my sixth sense is getting antsy and has picked up lots of minor stuff that shouldn’t even register, like how the discussion of a leak in Chapter 37 was immediately followed by her debriefing. These things doesn’t do much to dissuade it. Not to mention the pool of likely informants among named and relatively prominent characters – for the laws of storytelling dictate it won’t be some nobody, of course – is shrinking rapidly, and I notice many of these are getting interludes or heart-to-hearts revealing more of their characters and intentions that if not guarantee their loyalty, at least makes it a lot more likely – like the aforementioned Aisha

    I’ll simply have to pray I’m wrong and for them to keep being cute I suppose! Now watch her get climactically killed instead, and send both my worries and hopes off a cliff, haha. Either way, I’m certainly looking forward to seeing where the story goes, as I find myself mostly unable to predict it! I can certainly say you’ve presented no end of surprises so far, so I doubt I’ll be disappointed on that front at the very least.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Somehow Cat’s recent mentality of paranoia and distrust is irking me, so does her narrow, simple minded and inflexible personality. I doubt she will be as cool and pragmatic as Black but how she currently is, still irrates and annoys me.


    • Inflexible?who?cat? She’s not racist,acknowledge her mistakes,roughly open-minded toward other cultures and the very core of her strategy is flexibility on the field…she allow back talk too^^ and insubordination so long they don’t cross the methaphoric line.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I am sad to say this, but I do not trust Kilian.
    She is, after all, part fae, and while their words might be believeable, one should never trust the intent behind them. I should know.
    (Also she seems simply too perfect.)


  9. This chapter, along with a previous Epigraph signed as an extract of the memoirs of Lady Aisha Bishara, shows us that in the future Catherine indeed fulfilled her promise to Aisha, and probably made her so influential that she got the Lordship position as head of her family.


  10. He’d been the one to make the sentient tiger army, if I recalled correctly. The one that had defected the moment it got out of the Tower and was the reason tigers in the Wastelands were still so intelligent.
    I find that unreasonably funny because of the Pathfinder game I run, where one player’s ranger has a tiger animal companion who the druid has been threatening to awaken. So my headcanon I’d that the first Tiger General was named Taffy.


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